Tinder guide

Get more matches

The Ultimate Guide to Hacking the New Tinder Algorithm and Getting Hundreds of Matches Instantly. A Simple Step by Step Method to Guarantee Get more Matches on Tinder and Ending Up For Sure with a Date Tonight



The Abundance Engine

First and foremost, if you want to get more Tinder matches, you need to create an attractive profile from a feminine perspective. I'll first focus on the photos, and then move on to the description that you should copy/paste.Let me make it clear that if you don't follow these steps, you'll never see the light of a girl's interest. It's crucial.First off, understand that girls have just as much desire for sex as guys, if not more. However, they can't openly write about it in their profile to weed out the Tinder creeps and discreetly find a playful guy who won't be a threat to them.All girls have sexual desires, but they want to engage with a RESPECTFUL man, someone who won't TAINT their feminine image. So, they'll go to great lengths to identify these types of guys and filter them out mercilessly.That's why your Tinder photos must project a clean image that attracts the most girls (to maximize your opportunities). If you neglect your photos, then no girl will be interested in you.

What is going to attract the girls?

  • Masculinity

  • Maturity

  • Power

  • Respect

  • Style

  • A world

You must not come across as a nice guy in your photos; you absolutely need to work on your attitude and clothing style.But I want to reassure you, you don't have to be a handsome guy to get more Tinder matches. You just need to make sure you work on the image you project.


Profil Setup


You should have only 3 - 4 of them

  • A full-body shot of yourself so that the girl can see your clothing style ( Quick tip, take the photo at waist level, slightly angled downward to give yourself a sense of height ), ideally with a nice backdrop

  • One of yourself alone at a party with a smile and a drink in hand, so that the girl can see your festive side and that you're not someone too reserved

  • One of yourself engaged in sports (optional if you do them), girls like men who take care of themselves

  • A selfie that showcases your masculinity. A little tip, you can record a video of yourself from different angles and take a screenshot of the moment when you are most captivating


Many guys don't take the time to write a description, and that's a serious mistake you shouldn't make. You don't need to write a lengthy description, just a unique punchline that will immediately bring a smile to your future matches. For example, mine that has brought me a lot of success: Pearl seeker. It's simple and effective, and you'll triple your matches.
(If you're tall, highlight it with something like: 6'1" Pearl Seeker)


The Technical Gear for Getting More Matches on Tinder

You're aware that Tinder assigns you a desirability score. Essentially, if you like every girl, you're not desirable because you're not selective. No one really knows how it works, but if Tinder decides, you can become invisible. That's why you're going to delete your Tinder account right now, and this is just a precaution for a few days.This will allow you to reset your Tinder score and start on a clean slate. Afterward, you'll recreate your account and set up your photos and description. At this point, you're not far from getting more matches.What I'm telling you to do right now, even if it seems like minor details, is exactly what I do when it comes to getting a lot of matches.

Now, the idea to quickly get more matches is to be visible, and Tinder provides you with a service that allows you to outperform a lot of guys (okay, the service is paid, but incredibly effective).This service, or option, is called 'BOOST.' It puts your profile in the spotlight for 30 minutes, and you'll consistently get more matches.I recommend getting a pack of 5 boosts. Now that you're active in a city other than your own, you can send a boost one evening at 6:30 PM and see the girls who match with you. This step validates the quality of your profile.An important thing to note is that among the girls who want to match with you, not all of them will be stunning. Often, there will be girls who don't match your preferences. Don't worry, it's the same for everyone (myself included).But among all these girls, some will catch your interest.Moreover, those girls who you find less appealing will be useful for practicing your conversation skills. Training never hurts.

I recommend these strategic moments to use your boosts:

  • Between 12 and 2

  • In the late afternoon starting at 6:30 PM

  • Sunday evening

  • Rainy days, cold days, days when everyone stays at home

/!\ I advise you to do this for 4/5 days, that's plenty of time to get lots of matches, and then deactivate your Tinder account for several days. Because if you're too visible afterward, you'll definitely get fewer matches.


Pretend to give her the choice

No need to waste time talking for hours. You need to convey that you're a busy individual (a busy man equals attractiveness to women). Ask her if she knows the coolest bar in your city (she surely does, creating a false common interest). You can say something like, 'Before getting your number, when are you available to go grab a drink there?"


50 tips to get more matches on Tinder in 2023

1. Optimize Your Profile Picture:
Select a high-quality photo that reflects your personality and attracts attention.
2. Showcase Your Hobbies:
Include images that highlight your interests to spark conversations.
3. Craft a Catchy Bio:
Write a short, engaging bio that offers insight into your character.
4. Be Authentic:
Present your genuine self to attract like-minded matches.
5. Inject Humor:
Use witty humor in your bio or messages to stand out.
6. Use Emojis Wisely:
Enhance your messages with emojis, but don't overdo it.
7. Swipe Regularly:
Regular swiping increases the likelihood of finding compatible matches.
8. Swipe Thoughtfully:
Be selective to match with those who align with your preferences.
9. Update Your Profile:
Regularly refresh your photos and bio to maintain interest.
10. Solo Photos Matter:
Use mostly solo pictures to avoid confusion about your identity.
11. Initiate Conversations:
Start conversations with intriguing openers.
12. Listen and Respond:
Engage actively in conversations, showing interest in your match.
13. Maintain Positivity:
Project a positive attitude to attract positive attention.
14. Suggest Creative Dates:
Propose unique date ideas to capture interest.
15. Respectful Interactions:
Treat matches with kindness and respect.
16. Use Thoughtful Questions:
Ask questions that encourage deeper conversations.
17. Effective Use of Superlikes:
Use Superlikes strategically for profiles that genuinely excite you.
18. Stay Current:
Mention trending topics to showcase your awareness.
19. Share Aspirations:
Discuss your future goals to offer insights into your ambitions.
20. Be Patient:
Finding the right match takes time, so remain patient.
21. Include Travel Photos:
Display travel photos to indicate your adventurous side.
22. Dress Well in Photos:
Choose photos where you're well-dressed and confident.
23. Express Your Passions:
Discuss your passions in your bio to connect with like-minded individuals.
24. Show Love for Pets:
Include pet photos to attract fellow animal lovers.
25. Outdoor Photos Attract:
Outdoor pictures can highlight your active lifestyle.
26. Share Your Foodie Side:
Mention your love for food or cooking to initiate conversations.
27. Fitness and Wellness:
Highlight your fitness journey and wellness interests.
28. Arts and Creativity:
Display your artistic talents or appreciation for the arts.
29. Travel Enthusiast:
Show your wanderlust by mentioning travel experiences.
30. Intellectual Conversations:
Express interest in meaningful discussions and ideas.
31. Support Social Causes:
Mention your involvement in social causes.
32. Musical Tastes:
Discuss your favorite music and concerts.
33. Love for Books:
Share your favorite reads and literary interests.
34. Sports Enthusiast:
Highlight your favorite sports or athletic activities.
35. Fashion and Style:
Showcase your unique fashion sense in photos.
36. Attend Local Events:
Mention local events you enjoy attending.
37. Showcase Culinary Skills:
Share photos of your culinary creations.
38. Share Travel Stories:
Discuss memorable travel stories to engage matches.
39. Express Humble Confidence:
Balance confidence with humility in your bio.
40. Talk About Movies:
Mention your favorite films and genres.
41. Mention Adventure:
Discuss your love for adventure and new experiences.
42. Language Skills:
Highlight any language skills you possess.
43. Volunteer Work:
Discuss your involvement in volunteering or charity.
44. Fitness Achievements:
Mention fitness milestones you've achieved.
45. Geek Culture:
Express interests in geek culture, comics, or gaming.
46. Family and Friends:
Show your close relationships with family and friends.
47. Cooking Enthusiast:
Share your passion for cooking and culinary experimentation.
48. Share Quotes:
Include inspirational or favorite quotes in your bio.
49. Minimal Filters:
Use minimal filters to present your authentic appearance.
50. Stay Open-Minded:
Be open to new experiences and connections.
By implementing these 50 tips, you can enhance your Tinder profile's visibility and engagement, ultimately helping you get more matches on Tinder.

The final word


It was a real pleasure to spend all this time with you. I hope you followed my method precisely and that you find yourself in regular situations. If you're following what I'm telling you in this guide, then I have no doubt about your success to get more matches on Tinder!Safe travels to you